The first poster ‘Ram Leela’, starring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh is out. The film is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and will hit theaters on 29th November, 2013. The story of Ram Leela is based on Shakespeare’s classic love-story ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Initially, Kareena Kapoor was appraoched for the film’s leading lady. Later on, Deepika Padukone replaced Bebo as the director ddi not want a married lady as his heroine.
The very excited Deepika Padukone, taking to Twitter, announced the release date of the film. She tweeted, “RAMLEELA releasing 29th Nov,2013!!!” This was quickly backed up with another tweet of the film’s poster.
Deepika looks super gorgeous in an Indian attire on the first look of the poster. Also featuring on the poster is Ranveer Singh, looking dashingly HOT.
Meanwhile, rumors are that Deepika and her co-star Ranveer Singh are the new couple in Bollywood. Reports state that, recently, Deepika was in Dubai, busy promoting her film Race 2. Ranveer Singh flew all the way to the Arabian land to spend some time with her.
Ranveer also confirmed the news. He said in a written statement to a popular newspaper, “I had a couple of days off between Ram Leela and Gunday, so I decided to go to Dubai for the shopping festival. Several of my college friends are also based in Dubai. The Race 2 team was also there so we all went clubbing together and had a good time.”